I currently do not have availability for custom work.

I estimate I won't have availability until sometime in 2025.
Custom boxes you might see me post on social media are from a closed waiting list, which I am not adding to until I complete. The closest I am able to do to a custom Hidden key Box or Journal at this time is my option for a remake of one I've already taken the time to design.

Current Custom Waitlist Updates

Waitlist of those who filled out a FORM for a custom box in SEPTEMBER 2022.
This list is closed. I do not have a waiting list I am adding to right now.

Last Updated: 04/13/2024

If you're ready to proceed with a custom box now, let me know and we'll set it up for the next available time!

🌙Please scroll down for the prices and size options.
🌙There's a description of the process.
🌙Theres also a list of details I'll need to know from you.

If you're not ready just yet, no problem! Just let me know when you are. I'm happy to come back to you when you're ready.

If you are absolutely set on getting a hidden key box or journal by a specific date (as a Christmas gift for example) it might be more convenient for you to look at my Made to Order option.

Please remember, this is not a guarantee for a box. No deposits were taken. While I fully intend to get back to everyone, it is a large list. Projects run longer than expected, plans change, personal life outside of my art, is also a factor.
I appreciate your understanding and patience ❤️

This price list is for those who filled out a form for a custom box in September 2022.
My custom prices could possibly change before I have availability for custom work again.

Please include:

1.Name and contact info, email or phone number

2.Custom box size you'd like

3.Theme of the box ✨Restrictions apply, see below

4. Description of what exactly you'd like to include. If you want specfic details, personalization, colors, elements. Or, if you want to leave it up to me, or certain aspects up to me.

✨If you signed up with your theme being licensed characters, TV shows, movies, books, I prefer to do my own original art and won't be copying character art. But, I can use similar themes and imagery.
For example, if you signed up as Harry Potter as your theme, I'm ok with using elements interpreted into my own style. You can see an example here on Instagram
If you signed up with your theme being Nightmare Before Christmas, I will not be making boxes like this anymore.
I apologize for any inconvenience 🖤